Saturday, October 11, 2008

Apple Scrapple

Today the Mrs. and meself betook ourselves up to the Apple Scrapple Festival in Bridgeville. Bridgeville is kind of a misnomer I would say. For one thing, there ain't no bridge there. This is kind of like Snow Hill where I hail from, there ain't no snow, and there ain't no hills either. Be that as it may, we arrive at Bridgeville. It's a healthy hike from parking lot to downtown, but we're up to it. Off we go, and soon arrive at the festival area, which is several blocks fronting Rte. 404 and along Cannon St. I was hoping to run into Elbert as he said he would be there, but it was not to be. I'm for sure I would have recognized him had he been there when I came. (between 10 and 11 o'clock) The only person I saw that I recognized was Mike Castle. I didn't realize he was as tall as he is, although I swear he looks like a character out of a Dr. Seuss book. He's nearly as tall as I am, although I am better looking. That's the price you pay for notoriety I guess. There were too many vendors there to count, and a lot of them were selling food. My wife and I are bad influences on each other. We both know our at home culinary experiences can surpass any street food, so we ate nothing. Unthinkable isn't it? Does this mean we're food snobs? The food prices were also high, and not just a little bit high, a lot high. I nearly bought some of the curried goat one vendor was offering, then I saw that he wanted 8 dollars. 8 dollars for goat? I won't say the morning was a bust, nor will I diss Bridgeville. The weather was gorgeous, perfect for an event. I did enjoy myself mostly. I like the town, and have done business there with the Weller folks for quite a while now. I've never been to Apple Scrapple before and thought I'd give it a try. Maybe I'll try again next year.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Monday to Recover

Hallelujah it's Monday! How often have you heard that? Never thought I'd be saying it myself, but I am, exhausted on Monday. No I did not go out and do the 'Weekend Warrior" thing. What I did do was stay home all day Saturday and prep food for Sunday's Homecoming services at our church. I got up at 4:30 a.m. and went to bed at 11. That's a long day. Sunday was a normal church day, Sunday school, worship service, but then we had a meal. At 2 o'clock we had a few minutes of praise and then it was solid music for 2 hours, and more fellowship after. I played guitar again, while my wife sang. We did one song, (AS The Deer) Faith Dimattias from Pitts Creek Baptist came and sang two fine songs. I've mentioned her before, she's very good. Tyrell Sterling and his sister sang and got a standing ovation. they have some beautiful harmonies. His sister ( I forget her name) sang "All Is Well with My Soul." This was the one that got the big response. The girl knows how to do it. My hair is standing on my head just remembering it. Faith Dimmattias' sister sang 3 songs, and did very well despite a sore throat. The Chesser Family from Chincoteague played nearly 40 minutes of Country Gospel. They opened with Hank Williams' "I Saw the Light." I've seen them before, and they are so good. We finally got home around 5. Today I am still tired, but it was worth it. I had a wonderful weekend.

Friday, October 03, 2008

On Sarah Palin

Since I've posted comments on Elbert and on Average girl regarding Ms. Palin I suppose I should just as well post a few more thoughts here. I don't like Joe Biden, never have. If Sarah Palin held her own last night with that arrogant buffoon, then I perceive it as a win for her. When Bill Clinton became president he came with a lot of ambitious plans. They didn't happen. Many times when a governor becomes a president what worked at home will not work in the White House. He was brought up to speed very quickly and soon befriended Sen. Moynihan from New York. Moynihan showed Clinton the way to get things done so Clinton could at least take credit for something. Never mind that Moynihan in the early months of the first Clinton administration was the true power behind the throne. Now Barack Obama has ambitions too, but his plans for this country are vague. What he has said amounts to blatant socialism. He won't accomplish much by himself if he gets there (which I hope he doesn't) apart from the usual Democrat agenda. He doesn't have the savvy or know- how that his running mate does. So Biden will be calling the shots and Barack takes the credit for it all. This may be enough for him. He has an ego that rivals Biden's, except that Biden has never been right about anything. Look at his hair transplant for example! I don't want either one in any office. When Obama went over to Germany and apologized for our country that decided it for me. It's bad enough that Jimmy Carter does that crap. We don't need that again.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Et Tu Elbert

First Howard over at Dustpan kicks me in the shin for not posting in a timely manner, and now Elbert thrusts me back into the arena. Thanks Elbert. I'm all out of apologies for not coming back sooner, so here goes. I'm busier than a one-legged man in buttkicking contest. Last week I wandered up to Sam Yoder's butcher shop to purchase a fresh ham. I brought the thing home (in the pouring rain mind you) trimmed it and put it in a brine solution to cure for 8 days. Saturday morning it comes out of the brine, it gets rinsed and then I will smoke it for 7 hours or so. After it cools down I'll be slicing it, and Sunday it will be served following Homecoming at the church I attend. I've cured meat before, ham, canadian bacon, stuff like that. The results are usually very good. I enjoy cooking ,(most of the time) I should I've been at it 33 years, since my wife does not cook. If you asked me why I've done this for so long, I'll tell you I'm crazy. Other news, my wife will sing Sunday and Homecoming, I'll be playing guitar. A lot of music this weekend. She is leaving the following week for 2 and 1/2 weeks for California to visit our daughter and son-in-law. My brother has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. The outlook is optimistic though, as it is in a very early stage. I get blood tests next week. Why mess around when you're 56?