Thursday, January 01, 2009

New Years Day 2009

Yessirree! It's New Years Day 2009 ! Happy New Year visitors, gawkers and everyone else!
Now that 2008 is history I must ask, will anyone look back on this past year and remember it fondly? I imagine you will if you voted for Barack Obama, but will anyone else?
No jobs, no money, equity eaten alive, good riddance 2008! Let's hope and pray, and work together for a change so things will get better.
Am I optimistic? Well give me a few months and I'll let you know.
Did anyone eat black-eyed peas today? I did, and I admit it's been many years since I did, but man were they good. When my Daddy was alive you were expected to show up at the house on New Years Day and eat black-eyed peas and corn. If you were a no-show you heard about it let me tell you.
My family is pretty far flung these days, and the ones close by are none to keen on tradition, so this year it was just me and the Mrs. that partook of the black-eyes. Here's to our family coming together again, and family traditions. May they long endure.
And here's to 2009, may it be better than last year!


Blogger Howard said...

Yes indeed, we had Hoppin John on New Year's day. The wife won't let you get thru New Year day without eating at least one black eye pea.

6:09 PM  

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